Semed Living Care Hospital

SEMED Living Care Hospital provides mobile health check-up services to businesses, agencies, and organizations nationwide. Our team of knowledgeable and specialized personnel, combined with standardized medical equipment and the integration of technology for data management, ensures accuracy and speed in delivering results according to the clients’ needs.
Currently, SEMED Living Care Hospital offers mobile health check-up services in over 40 provinces across the country, serving an average of no less than 500 businesses annually.

Annual Health Check-up Services
- Capable of serving over 2,000 individuals within an 8-hour period.
- Registration, document verification, and sample counting are managed using a barcode system.
- Able to report the number of individuals being examined in real-time.
- Able to summarize health check-up data and provide a list of individuals who missed each examination.

Hearing Performance Testing
Hearing performance testing is conducted using a sound-controlled booth that complies with OSHA, 1983 standards, and utilizes audiometry equipment that meets the international ANSI/ASA S3.6 standards. Services can be provided using a mobile hearing test vehicle or a standardized sound booth.
Chest X-ray
Chest X-ray services are provided using a mobile X-ray vehicle equipped with two examination points to accommodate a large number of employees. The service operates under a license for possessing radiation-generating equipment issued by the Office of Atoms for Peace.

Utilizing Technology for Data Management
SEMED Living Care Hospital focuses on leveraging technology to manage data, enhancing accuracy and speed, and ensuring timely health check-up reports that meet the clients’ needs.
Health Check-up Reporting
Data analysis and health check-up reporting are processed using the “SEMed Information System.”
Formats of Health Check-up Reports:
- Comprehensive Health Check-up Report Book
- Comparative Health Check-up Report Book for 2-3 Consecutive Years (if available)
- Health Reports for Employees Exposed to Risk Factors (booklet/file)
- Report Form JorPorSor.1
- Health Check-up Result Files
- Hearing Conservation Program Reports (for workplaces implementing hearing conservation measures)
- Individual Health Check-up Booklet for Employees

For More Information
TEL 0-2199-2111 To 161 Marketing
Or 081-358-6493 (Mr.Aon), 086-368-5317 (Mr.Ice)
Email : info@semed.co.th
Line : @semed
Facebook : SEMed living care hospital